This page describes the privacy policy of our website What information do we store when you visit or make a purchase from our website. Please be sure that we are committed to protecting your information and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy outlines all our practices and policies. You can find up-to-date information here. For any further queries please feel free to connect with us using the contact details below.

Information we get from you:

  • You give us information while filling in forms on or by communicating with us through any other medium.
  • This also includes information you provide when you subscribe to our services, search for a product, place an order on our website participate in any discussion on the discussion board, or report any problem on our website.
  • This information may include your name, address, email address, and phone number.
  • By submitting this information on our website you give us your permission that collect and process data to provide you with information, products, and services.
  • you have the right to withdraw this permission at any time.

How We Use Your Personal Information:

  • Personal Information (such as the customer’s name, address, and telephone number) is used for a number of reasons.  The first and foremost is to fulfill the customer’s order and to contact them regarding their orders. This information also allows customers to create an account so they can check out faster and claim the benefits of membership.  Finally, Personal Information is used in fraud prevention and detection.
  • Device Information (such as your IP address) helps us to optimize our website.  By identifying trends, we can learn where we need to provide more information to our customers, make the website easier to navigate, and give them a better experience.  We also use the Device Information to screen for potential fraud.
  • Order Information (when a customer places or attempts to place an order) is primarily used to fulfill that order.  The information gathered is used to take payment for the order and to give any necessary refunds. We do not store card information once a payment has been provided.  Such information is shared with credit card providers, such as Worldpay, in order to fulfill the order securely. Finally, Order Information is used to detect and prevent credit card fraud.

Third-Party Websites

  • Any partner, advertiser, or affiliate link on our website will take you to their website. Please note that those websites have their own privacy policy and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies.
  • Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Use of Cookies

  • This website uses cookies to better the user's experience while visiting the website. Where applicable this website uses a cookie control system allowing the user on their first visit to the website to allow or disallow the use of cookies on their computer/device. This complies with recent legislation requirements for websites to obtain explicit consent from users before leaving behind or reading files such as cookies on a user's computer/device.
  • Cookies are small files saved to the user's computer's hard drive that track, save, and store information about the user's interactions and usage of the website. This allows the website, through its server to provide the users with a tailored experience within this website.
  • Users are advised that if they wish to deny the use and saving of cookies from this website onto their computer's hard drive they should take necessary steps within their web browser's security settings to block all cookies from this website and its external serving vendors. 
  • This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. This software is provided by Google Analytics which uses cookies to track visitor usage. The software will save a cookie to your computer's hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website but will not store, save, or collect personal information. You can read Google's privacy policy here for further information [ ]. 
  • Other cookies may be stored on your computer's hard drive by external vendors when this website uses referral programs, sponsored links, or adverts. Such cookies are used for conversion and referral tracking and typically expire after 30 days, though some may take longer. No personal information is stored, saved, or collected.

Do visit this page to keep up to date with our privacy policy.
